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What is the best agriculture Industry?

Modern technologies in agriculture industry have automated many farms by making the future of crop production more efficient and profitable

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These technologies help showcase the ABCs in high-tech products and services that are changing the face of agriculture, to give readers a glimpse of the future of farming

Complete A to Z list of technologies transforming the agricultural industry

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As part of A-to-Z Week, Farm Industry News brings out an A-to-Z alphabet of technologies transforming farming

This week we start with sections of the AG alphabet

Advanced Biofuels

In the future, farmers will produce more than just corn to create advanced biofuels

This new classification of fuels are second and third generation biofuels that reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% compared to petrol or diesel produced in 2005

Corn ethanol is not considered an advanced biofuel and instead fuels such as biodiesel made from soybean oil and ethanol made from Brazilian sugar cane are considered advanced biofuels

The Advanced Biofuels Association reports that many of the advanced biofuel products will be hydrocarbon-based molecules that are interchangeable and will not require separate pumps, pipelines or new flex-fuel cars

Advanced biofuels and products include biodiesel esters, biogas, butanol, ethanol, renewable crude oil, renewable diesel hydrocarbons, renewable jet fuel and renewable gasoline

Big Data

Big Data is the buzzword used to describe the massive amounts of information being collected and stored on all of us

On the farm, this data may include crop yield history, product usage, order status, payment history, vehicle status, and field data such as soil types, moisture levels, available nutrients, pest pressures, and weather—all tied to a geo-referenced dot on a map

These mounds of data have become big business for companies, ready to step into store, manage and analyze the information for the end purpose of helping farmers make better business decisions

Faster processing speeds, Cloud-based storage, and advanced analytics are giving rise to these tools, moving us from an era of precision data to decision data

Cloud Computing

Accessing remote computing resources through the internet – so-called cloud computing – is becoming commonplace in agriculture

Powered by wireless connectivity, typically through cellular modems, cloud computing capabilities make it possible to eliminate the frustration of shuffling thumb drives to keep precision ag data up to date

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Cloud-based precision software options provide any-time, any-where data access

Linking to high-powered computers and sophisticated software promises to streamline decision-making by making information available to key farm management players

Remote Integrated Display Access

This term refers to the ability to access integrated machine displays remotely

As a result, support technicians may diagnose and fix problems without going to the field

Obviously, remote access is a huge timesaver and keeps tractors, combines and sprayers up and running when balky displays have halted field operations

Manufacturers call this capability various names, including Remote Display Access (John Deere), Remote Assistant (Trimble) and Virtual Wrench (Leica)


Research on robots continues to progress as engineers tackle reliability issues of the small task masters

Concept robots are nearing commercialization in Europe, though

One German robot is built to sense crop conditions, apply chemicals and even pull weeds

The University of Illinois has a similar program and students design these robotic workers

In contrast to operator-run equipment, robots are small and expected to be used in multiple numbers

Supervised or semi-autonomous vehicles

Although not truly robotic, since they don’t replace the need for an operator, these systems allow the navigation system on a primary vehicle to temporarily take over steering and speed-control functions from a second vehicle’s operator

The goal is to improve efficiency and safety of critical field operations

Semi-autonomous systems from John Deere (Machine Sync) and Trimble were commercially available in 2012

Both systems allow combines to take control of tractors pulling grain carts to simplify on-the-go grain transfer

When the cart is filled, the tractor operator retakes control


Telematic systems use cellular modems to monitor machine performance and keep track of equipment in the field in real time

Increasingly, telematics systems are being offered as standard equipment on tractors, combines and sprayers as manufacturers look for ways to help customers boost efficiency and improve customer service and reduce warranty costs

Typically, telematics systems allow operators to monitor equipment locations in real time, as well as access a history of previous locations

They also record machine performance data and alert owners and/or dealers when problems occur

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or Drones

Commonly known as drones, UAVs could become a low-cost precision ag scouting tool in the not-too-distant future

As electronics and communications device prices have fallen, companies catering to hobbyists have begun selling small fixed-wing and helicopter drones for as little as $500


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These UAVs, which can be programmed to follow designated flight paths, are legal to operate as long as visual contact is maintained and altitude limits are followed

Already, a UAV manufacturer, DIY Drones (diydrones

com), has promised to introduce a helicopter with optics needed for crop scouting by the end of 2013

It is expected to have a price tag of under $1,000

Other UAVs, like the WineHawk platform, though priced higher, produce precise and consistent results

Variable-rate irrigation (VRI)

Irrigation has become a bigger part of Midwest farming, especially in drought years like 2012

New technologies are making the practice more precise to conserve water and boost crop yields

Big-name manufacturing companies, such as Valmont, Reinke, and T-L Irrigation have come out with variable-rate-irrigation (VRI) equipment that automatically applies just the right amount of water to areas of a field that need it most

Rates are pre-programmed or “prescribed” based on field characteristics such as soil type, topography, and crops planted

Weed Resistance Management

More than 20 different types of herbicide-resistant weeds now exist in Illinois and Iowa and nearly as many in surrounding Midwest states

Weed resistance has grown from a lambsquarters resistance to atrazine confirmed in Illinois and kochia resistance to atrazine confirmed in Iowa, both in 1985, to the high level of resistance today

Common waterhemp is the most prevalent herbicide-resistant weed in Illinois with Palmer amaranth quickly catching up

In Iowa, horseweed is the most widespread herbicide-resistant weed

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